Kids love climbing on all kinds of things. You know what? So do grownups. And as luck would have it, a dad who spent years in the construction trade decided to build a place where we could do it all…safely.
"It’s the things we play with and the people who help us play that make a great difference in our lives."
- Mr. Rogers
We say that a lot at Fritz’s Adventure. Yes, you can actually climb a real water tower. Yes, you can actually explore a cement mixer (and find the secret door for even more discoveries).
We blame it on a successful construction contractor who got inspired. He watched how his kids played, and figured out how to have that kind of fun with big people stuff. Now everyone can do what you’re told not to—climb a water tower, crawl through tunnels, scale a brick wall, and actually go on awesome adventures together!
Get your Fritz’s Adventure tickets today, and prepare to have fun with a capital Fritz!
We may not be in the Swiss Family Robinson, but Fritz’s spirit of family adventure lives on in our family of play professionals! Through amazing training, internal promotion, and a focus on fun, we support every team member’s success. Apply today.