Can I purchase tickets in advance for a specific time and day?


Yes! Tickets can be purchased in advance at our online store. Tickets purchased on our online store are guaranteed entry into Fritz’s. We do offer tickets on-site at Fritz’s as well. Please visit the operating calendar for specific times and dates Fritz’s is open.

Is my ticket good all day?


Yes, we offer the highest value ticket in Branson! Your admission ticket/wristband is good all day. You are permitted to exit and enter the building as you please as long as your wristband is intact.

What if I just want to watch?


If you want to watch your family and friends play, but you don’t want to adventure yourself, you get in for FREE. However, you’ll need to stay on the entry-level of the facility and you won’t have access to the attraction floor. Please note that youth 9 and younger are not permitted on the attraction floor without the supervision of …

How does the pricing work?


We like to keep it simple with just three ticket types: 1. Discover (24.95): Unlimited access to 16 unharnessed attractions. Does not include Fritz’s two most popular attractions: Multi-Story Ropes Course and City Wall (48′ Climbing Wall) or Fritz’s most adventurous attraction: TreeTops (Zipline) Course. Discover ticket has no height requirements. 2. Explore (39.95): Unlimited access to 18 of 19 …